Thanks for your great review, for watersport, I'm actually just trying to help so that you don't make payments in advance because of online bookings. Watersport is affected by weather and safety will depend on the vendor.
I don't want after you booked, slightly the weather change and how to get your money back because the online not pick the phone. And how do I assist you if anything happen because booking is between vendor and the online booking.
When I recommend a subscription vendor that I know is guaranteed and responsible for customer safety and you don't agree with the price, I show the online prices of the most popular applications as a comparison and ask you to use the same price. But you said the price is still a bit high and you are looking for the cheapest among the cheap ones.
When you get it and want to place an order, they don't answer.
I have taken you around to every watersport company and you showed the price you had but the other watersport companies also refused because that was the price before the pandemic.
And watersport companies have standard prices and systems, so we hope that bidding will also be logical so that watersport companies can make a profit.
Sorry I don't want to make an argument, but just don't want the reader to judge one-sidedly.
Thank you for the great comment regarding other service from our side, wish to see you again.