Not sure where chacagua is, but there are two international airports in costa rica. The main one is juan santa maria (sjo) in alajuela, near the capital san jose. This is relatively central in the country. The other airport is liberia (lir) north of sjo by a couple hours. From vegas you might get routed through dallas. Find chacagua on a map and compare distances to the airports and go from there. My own research has lir being significantly more expensive to fly to than sjo, more than the cost of a private driver between the two airports.
Thank you very much- I appreciate it.
Chachagua is about 30 minutes outside of La Fortuna. It will take about 2 and a half hours from San Jose airport (SJO) and about 4 and a half from Liberia (LIR). You'll have to come through one of these airports. From San Jose you could take a private driver, the city bus, a shuttle, one of the orange taxis or I think renting a car is the best way to get around in CR.
Wendy, La Fortuna, CR
The best of course is to fly to SJO and rent a to San Ramon...and just follow signs to La Fortuna...take the route by Peñas Blancas river...that will take you directly to Chachaua...
No more than 2 and half hours drive...nice road all the way...of depending on traffic and weather!