I am writing to express my profound dissatisfaction with my recent experience on your flight from Cape Town to Heathrow. I feel completely let down and disillusioned by the way Virgin has handled this situation.
My partner and I booked two return Business Class tickets (Upper Class) with high expectations of the premium service that Virgin is known for. While our outbound flight was fine, the return was a major disappointment. Upon arrival at Cape Town International Airport, we were informed that the flight was overbooked, and there was only one Business Class seat available. This meant one of us was forced to be downgraded to Premium Economy.
It is unacceptable that Virgin overbooks seats, particularly in Upper Class, where customers pay a premium for the best possible experience. This practice is disrespectful to your most valuable customers, and the decision to risk compromising their experience is appalling. While I can understand upgrading passengers from Economy, the idea that a Business Class customer could be downgraded and expected not to be furious is simply delusional.
This incident has completely tarnished my view of Virgin Atlantic. I had always considered Virgin a brand synonymous with excellence, reflecting the values promoted by Richard Branson. However, this experience suggests otherwise. Does Mr. Branson even know this is happening? If not, I urge you to forward this complaint to him. If he is aware, then as someone who has admired his business philosophy, I am deeply disappointed.
Overbooking flights is nothing short of greed. The refund we received (75% of the downgraded seat) is inadequate. I booked Upper Class because I wanted to travel Upper Class, not to settle for compensation. Even offering a 200% discount wouldn't have changed my preference. The practice of selling more seats than are available and then gambling on no-shows is unacceptable.