My wife and I traveled to Melbourne to enjoy a family 50th, however were extremely disappointed with the standard of the 2 bedroom deluxe apartment at the Milano. We stayed at the same location 3 years ago and the standards have certainly deteriorated, especially room cleanliness and standards. We were greeted with significant stains on the curtains, stained tea towels, no handle on the tap in the bathroom and a poor standard of cleanliness. A serious safety concern is present in the lounge with a missing smoke alarm. 4 adults are sharing the apartment and cosy is a subtle way to describe the small bedrooms. There is limited space to move around the room let alone place your suitcase. The main room has a small cupboard, which provides some hanging space only. The standard of furniture is poor with uncomfortable lounge seats and unstable lounge chairs. The apartments celebrate mediocre standards with a reference to receiving 8.2 out of 10 from a booking site upon entering reception. We were extremely disappointed and will not be returning until standards become a priority for their guests. PS - buy some cups with handles so u don’t have guests scolding their hands on the ceramic.