Got to Hang Mua via a little side road from Trang An grottoes, Even surprised that we got there. You would think that such a popular attraction they would pave the road to the attraction but it was an experience trying to navigate the dirt road and pot holes. Once again you need to pay for motorbike parking (30k I think) and to get in costs 50K (I 100K I can't remember really). Once you pay you cut thru this funky entrance area that has a bar and coffee /billard place. We beelined it to the start of the hike since it was about to rain. A word to the wise, wear sneakers that day you go up. It was drizzling and our slippers did not grip and when they say 500 steps, they aren't "normal" steps; they are semi-cemented, super high steps so it felt a lot harder (and we are hikers).
We did the path on the left and not the one to the pagoda (right) as that one apparently had loose steps ans we didn't want to chance it with slippers. The left path led to the higher view and the dragon and we wanted to see that. It also had a view to the river behind the mountain. It's an awesome view of the city and the surroundings once you reach the top. I think they are still working on the steps so beware the tools and machinery just laid across the path (this is Vietnam!). Definitely worth a stop on your motorbike day in that area. And try not to stay too late as you still need to navigate the unpaved road on the way out! And when leaving, look up into the mountains and you might see the white goats like we did! SO cool!