Either my husband or I or both of us stay at the Good Nite Inn Calabasas 2-3 times per year, 3-5 nights each visit. For the most part, we really love it here. The staff is great.
But we're noticing a steady decline in the condition of the property. If I could have gotten a maintenance man into our room on this recent visit, I easily could have pointed out 6-8 items that needed repair, rewiring or replacement. And I'm not particularly fussy. It makes us sad to see the property in decay.
Bring your own toiletries. No biggie.
Have an alternate plan for your electronics and curling iron/blow dryer in case the outlets in your room don't work.
Have an alternate plan in case you can't get reliable WiFi. Some times of day (mostly evenings), it's not strong enough to support all the guests' devices.
Make a plan for having only one room card key, no matter how many people are staying in your room.
Sigh. It used to be really wonderful here and to be fair, the weather and mountain view were glorious while we were here. I imagine we'll keep coming back, but I'm not sure how much longer.