This place continues to get better & better but I think that's mostly due to how many hikes I do (aiming for Overland Hike by end of 2019!).
This place has changed since I last visited over 5 years ago - back then getting to Dove Lake you could do on your own but now you've got to go to the Information Centre & Cafe to jump on a shuttle bus that takes you to Ronny Creek and Dove Lake. This does require a parks pass which you'll either pay for a day pass or if you have an annual one, no fee required as long as you can prove your pass.
I like this as it minimises the traffic congestion with having just two buses running at one time but can be a bit of a worry when you arrive a little later than expected (woops!) to do a 3-4 hour hike and knowing you've got to be back at a specific time to catch the last bus instead of having leeway time. Otherwise you have to walk all the way back to the centre to your car which isn't far but after a hike and if it's getting late and dark, can be a bit cold and scary. So make sure to give yourself plenty of time to get there, do a hike and get back on the bus!
The small walks (Wombat Pool, Lake Walks, Enchanted Forest etc) are very good for little people and slow people who want to see a bit of nature and wombats. Dove Lake is great, mostly all boardwalk path, a few steps, one steep bit and easy enough for semi-fit people. Marion's Lookout is great as a return trip in itself but take your time and be prepared for steepness.
All other walks, make sure you have ENOUGH experience, enough time and the right gear to do it. The face track up Hansons Peak, across the mountain and to Marion's Lookout was just amazing, super cool views, loved it! Can't wait fort the Summit!
The weather did change on us quite quickly from good to rainy and windy within minutes and there are warnings everywhere about the quick changes of weather at Cradle so be smart.
I love Cradle it has so much to offer, the lodge is great for overnight and weekend getaways with everything in one place.