The review of this property is from our stay a few months ago, so please understand that some things may have changed from then. Do not be misled by the positive reviews. This property was unsafe, and, unsanitary. First, the unsafe. Parking here was very difficult. There is a high probability that your vehicle may be damaged due to very tight parking conditions. Vehicles must be moved around each other on a driveway only wide enough for one vehicle. The room that we stayed in had a first floor balcony door with no lock. We believe that an outside entry door from the open garage was also left unlocked at night. Second, the unsanitary. This property was not adequately cleaned. There was trash thrown in the yard, and, vehicles that were inoperable, with weeds growing around them. Another disturbing issue was the breakfast that we paid for. It was both odd, and, unsanitary. The following is a list of what was offered during our stay:
1. Coffee (no juice, milk, or any other liquid)
2. Pancake mix (a large bag of dry powder that you must mix yourself and ladle on to old griddles)
3. Bread (1 previously opened bag with a few slices left)
4. Jelly (1 previously opened jar with a spoon covered with jelly left inside the jar with the lid on)
5. Peanut Butter (1 previously opened jar. Does anyone eat this for breakfast?)
6. Hershey's Chocolate Syrup (not sure how this would be used)
7. Instant Oatmeal (1 previously opened container of plain oatmeal that you mix with water, then microwave)
You must also rummage through the kitchen cabinets to find plates, bowls, and, silverware.
There were many other deficiencies which we will not take the time to detail in this review.
We have traveled extensively, and stayed in many hotels, and B&B's. Our stay at the Shaka Shak was the most uncomfortable that we have ever experienced. It appears that the owner has responded to other negative reviews with excuses, but don't believe them. We hope that this review prevents other travelers from the same experience that we had.